Friday, 18 November 2016


                    The two groups or organizations that I think Nigerians detests are the police and phcn. I will start by talking about the police force. Nigerians hate the police force with passion due to different incidences that have happened. There is no trust between the police and the policed. The police force has create a bad image for itself which I think may last for a long period. I will just say the police force is funny, they do things that will make you feel liking getting rid of them. I taught the police is meant to secure lives and properties, funny enough even their own lie is not secured. They behave like untrained fellows. I see no reason why we have a police force and the country's crime rate is geometrically increasing day by day. The sentiment people have about the police force in respect to their recent records is nothing to write home about.
                    Interesting facts about the Nigeria Police Force are:
          1. The npf operates mostly on a corrupt basis. They take bribe from the public which has now become a daily routine. The npf is so cheap. They've sold their pride and they have low self esteem.
          2. The salary and welfare package of the npf is so low. They are one of the poorly made government workers. The condition of the police barrack is an evidence of this explanation.
          3. No life insurance.
          4. It is believed that people that join the npf are people who have no other choice or are frustrated with their unemployment status
          5. It is believed the color of the npf uniform "black" is associated with evil, darkness and other things that has to do with bad things.
          6. Some believe that the npf is a perfect example for eye service. They arrive at crime scenes after their predators have escaped. 
          7. We all know that a suspect is meant to be detained for not more than 24 hours. A Nigerian police can detain you for a week. They treat offenders as if they are victims.
          8. Funny enough they know nothing about the law, they are rude, unreliable, liars, unhelpful,etc.
          9. They go in heavy on petty crimes, lightly on serious crimes.
          10. 99% of Nigerians curse the Nigerian Police Force everyday, so why won't they misbehave. I pry they come of their dilemma. 
                    Also the phcn is left out in this discussion. In fact there is no difference between the npf and the phcn. Nigeria is one of the country in the world with poor electricity supply. Many use in their line of business. No wonder when phcn powers up the country, you will know because there will be a lot of noise in the area. I think they sometimes purposely discharge off the power supply for selfish reasons. Yet we pay nepa bills. Phcn was formerly called nepa.                   
                    Here are some interesting facts you need to know about the phcn.:
          1. The phcn have no respect for human lives and property.
          2. What is the essence of paying nepa bills and you don't see the result, very corrupt people. 
          3. Power supply is almost absent despite billions of dollars embarked for this company annually.
          4. They are not reliable.
          5. Every Nigerian family/household now has a generator. The size, numbers and quality of your
             generation is even a revelation of your economic strength.
          6.The option is that NEPA can “cut” your light so that you are deprived of resting your generator for those (2 or 3 days) of interrupted power supply.
         7. I cannot believe that NEPA and the government of Nigeria especially is still asking people to pay for what is rarely available. It is robbery and very characteristic of the Nigerian government populated by thugs and thieves from the presidency to the last man in the local council area.
         8. Nigeria's electricity crisis is leadership failure.
                    Above all, i know there are many thoughts running through your mind right now.
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